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Developing a Creative and Flow-Prone Lifestyle with Photography 

A home for like-minded photographers throughout the world

who want to access flow by choice,

not chance

Why Join the Photographic Flow Community?

The deepest moments in our life come when we are fully absorbed in the moment, focused, and engaging in an optimal and effortless way. 

The growing library of video courses provides the backbone of learning, but it's the monthly online get-togethers and connection with others in the community of photography lovers that provides the accountability and grit needed to sustain a high flow lifestyle.

Nature photographers
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Wide Range of Video Courses 

Support From an Online Community of Like-minded Photography Lovers

Unique and Simple Photographic Flow Roadmap

Available at a Click of a Button

Choose the Membership That Fits You Best

Enjoy unlimited access to our online classes and cancel anytime you wish to. 

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Meet the Photographic Flow Founder

Joshua Smith, PhD - photographic flow

Joshua M. Smith, PhD

Photographer &

Flow State Trainer

Josh has lived in Japan for many years studying Japanese culture, aesthetics and photography, receiving his master's and doctoral degree in cultural sociology from Osaka University. 


He combines those experiences with his training at the Flow Research Collective in flow state science, which includes neuroscience, creativity, and positive psychology.

How Flow Changes Our Lives and Our Photography

Heightened creativity

Harvard found subjects to have THREE DAYS of heightened creativity after the flow state. Carry the creativity afterglow into your editing, personal life, and more photography.

Increases productivity

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McKinsey found a 500% increase in productivity by executives who regularly access flow states.

Increases creative problem solving

We are more open to 'Aha' experiences, and photography is all about problem solving.

The University of Sydney found subjects to have a 430% increase in creative problem solving!

Improves attention & concentration

Flow triggers like Rich Environments and Awe improve focus and attention.

Outdoor photography particularly benefits from Nature-related flow triggers. 

What is the Flow State?

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An optimal state of consciousness where you feel your best and perform your best. It’s those moments of undivided attention and total absorption, where your mind, body, and spirit are focused on the present.  Action and awareness merge and you develop a calm awareness of your surroundings. 

Flow is meditation in action

Photographic Flow is here to help you develop a flow-prone environment where you access this flow state on demand, improving your photography, and boosting your creativity and life satisfaction. 

Let's Stay Connected

Subscribe to our newsletter and get photography inspiration and flow tips, as well as updates about upcoming courses & classes.

I also have a free guide for you: 

17 Ways Flow Makes You a Better Photographer

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